Trust in His Plan
July 19, 2023 by Amy Byrd
Sometimes I struggle trusting God with my kids. When our son decided he wasn’t going back for his second year to Texas A&M —and instead joining the Army—I wanted to give him a list a mile long as to why he absolutely should go back. But God. He has a plan that we’re not able to imagine. I feel God’s nudge now that planning out my children’s lives is not my job. My best job is to be obedient to Him. His job is everything else.
Rachel wrote a sweet, encouraging note about her own daughters:
One of the hardest things I've had to learn, especially as my little girls have grown into independent, young women.  It sure is hard to not try and plan out their lives, lol.  I really have learned to trust God and practice a daily, "Lord, they are yours and not mine. I know that you love them more than I do and I give them to you to have your will done in their lives. Help me to be supportive, loving, understanding and teach me, Holy Spirit, how to keep my mouth shut (most of the time).  I know you have plans for their lives that are far greater than anything that I could ask for, dream for or wish for.  I know you have their Boaz and I know that your timing is best.  Help me to be who they need me to be and not who I want to be; problem solver, decision maker, fault finder.  If I trust you like I do, than I have to trust you with everything you have given me and you blessed me so much that you allowed me to be a Mom to 3 amazing women.  They are yours, as am I.  I love you and I pray for ALL of your best. Help me remember that your best doesn't always look like my best and to let them live their lives out the best way they know..with a hearts desire to seek you and to honor you with their choices."  Ahh, a constant prayer and reminder that I am embracing, walking through and trusting God with each and every day.