Be the Good
July 26, 2023 by Kevin Brooks

Many times we can learn from others, even when those people set bad examples.

My wife was dropping a package off at the UPS store recently when the gal in front of her stepped up to collect a package.  When the clerk asked her for some kind of identification, the customer started with a barrage of cursing and insults because she would have to go back to her car to get her ID.

It’s what the clerk said next that got my wife’s attention.

As the customer stormed out of the store, the clerk said to the other waiting customers “you never know what kind of a day she had”.  There were no counter-insults or negative responses.

It really seems sometimes that there has been an outbreak of rudeness.

But every time a person or situation hands us an act of rudeness, we have a chance to counter it with compassion and positivity.

And for every rude person, there is a kind one nearby that you may not notice.

And, if there isn’t… there’s always you.