Things looked a lot different for my husband and I not so long ago.
You see those curves on the edges of our mouths there. . .well, they started curving downward when we were together. I let myself focus on everything that is lacking in our life. After having a meal with a friend they mailed us a card to say thanks and wrote in the card, “Lean into Him and each other.” It’s on our refrigerator today. I needed that reminder. . .Because at the end of today I only want to care about what God thinks.
I realized my discontent---and any time I've ever felt discontent it was when I took my focus off God.
I love this from Lysa Tykerst: If we get wrapped up feeling anxious about whatever is lacking in our life (finances, relationships, etc.) and forget to be self-controlled and alert, we are prime targets for Satan to usher us right away from God. We start doubting God, doubting His ability to really be able to provide and justifying our way right into sinful patterns. We lower our standards in ways we never thought we would.
Oh sweet sister, if you don’t have a friend who can speak truth into your heart, let me be a voice of reason and encouragement... Remember who you are. Remember Whose you are. And never compromise. God has a plan for you. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He CARES for you! (1 Peter 5:7)You are unconditionally loved, Amy