A God of Second Chances
December 28, 2022 by Kevin Brooks
I remember, as a kid, pleading with my mom for, “one more chance.“ Of course, this was after I had disobeyed or broken a rule, and was facing my just reward!
Even as an adult, there are times when I want , “just one more chance.“ Maybe you could say the same? Lucky for us, we serve a GOD of second chances!
The Bible is full of examples of God being a God of second chances. What’s more His Word repeatedly says he doesn’t want anyone to perish, no matter what they’ve done. Instead, God waits on us, patiently, waiting for our thoughts to align with His. This changes how we pray… and how we live.
Of course, we can accept God’s second chance at any time, but I think that a great time to take Him up on this second chance, is the beginning of a new year!
While the rest of the world is resolving to be in better shape, be more organized, or to lose weight in the new year, we can take this time to resolve that our lives will look more like Jesus in 2023.
Happy New Year!
We’ll be praying for you…