Life is out here, doing what it does. And if it’s not one thing… It’s another. So there are those seasons in life that there’s one thing that is capturing our attention, our energy and our focus. But most often in life it’s not just one thing it’s an alliance of armies that are merging their resources together against us and the weight of just one thing maybe we could hold steady under that weight, but it’s the three things together… It’s the issue that we’re facing in this part of our life or maybe we got into that political discussion that we wish we could take back. And then turn around just after dealing with that one and there’s another one facing us in this part of our life with one of our kids. And then maybe we’ve almost figured out that one when we turn over here and we realize there’s another issue over here we’ve neglected with our spouse. And the weight of all of those issues together… The weightiness of all of that begins to expose who we really are.
Whether or not we’ve been “reading a verse a day to keep the devil away”. Whether we’ve actually been in the word of God protecting ourselves with his truth. It’s going to expose whether or not we have actually had integrity and character, and whether the Holy Spirit’s work is alive on the inside of us.
“God does not have grandchildren. We’ve got to make our own decision to be a child of God.” Billy Graham