Better Late Than Never
October 9, 2024 by DC
30 years ago, when I got married, I wanted to take my beautiful bride on a honeymoon trip to San Antonio. I had visited the River Walk and the Alamo a few years before as a teenager, and loved it so much, I wanted to share it with my wife. As it was, money was tight and we couldn't afford to make the trip. Three decades later, money is still tight. Go figure, right? Still, when our 30th anniversary rolled around we decided it was time to finally make the trip. We would call it our second honeymoon. Better late than never, I suppose.
This got me thinking. In life, we often feel the pressure of time slipping away. Missed opportunities, delayed decisions, or putting off things that matter can leave us feeling like we've fallen behind. But with God, there’s always grace, and it’s never too late to turn to Him. The story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) reminds us of this truth—no matter how far we’ve strayed, God is always waiting with open arms, ready to welcome us home.
God’s timing is perfect, and He is incredibly patient with us. Even when we feel like it’s “too late” to change, to heal, or to fulfill a calling, He reminds us that "better late than never" is a profound reflection of His grace. Every moment we choose to turn back to God or act on His calling is an opportunity to experience His mercy and renewal.
Is there something you’ve been delaying—whether it’s seeking forgiveness, extending love, or taking the next step in faith? Trust that God meets you where you are, and His response is still the same, better late than never.