Fruitful Labor
October 16, 2024 by Logan Gassett
Knowing how to work hard is important, or how else will you see the fruit of your labor? But just
because you’re starting to get some results, the fruit produced from hard labor, doesn’t mean it’s
ready yet. Sometimes, you gotta pull the boot straps back up because the fruit ain’t ripe yet. So
what helps us to keep from picking the fruit too soon? Self control, perseverance and fear of the
Psalm 128: Blessed are all who fear the LORD,
who walk in obedience to him.
2 You will eat the fruit of your labor;
blessings and prosperity will be yours.
Moses knew that the ark was the goal. If he had cut corners, leaks would have sprung from the
ark and it would have sunk. He stayed persistent/obedient and kept working. He kept the faith
that rain would come.
Sometimes, we get a little too impatient and try to make the desired results happen on our own
instead of trusting the promises and plans of God.
Sarah was married to Abraham and was too old to conceive a child but God made a promise.
But, Sarah took matters into her own hands and gave her maid Hagar to Abraham in hopes she
would be able to give her a child. Even though she didn’t wait for God’s timing, He was still
faithful to His promises towards Sarah.
Whether you relate more to the spirit of Moses or Sarah, God’s promises are good in your life.
So keep praying and keep the faith, the fruit of your labor will be sweet and worth the wait.