Your monthly support of The House is the backbone of ministry that takes place day in and day out. We are so thankful for the ongoing support of our listeners.
I want to share a recent story with you. God only knows the number of people it represents.
Susan is a long time listener from Wichita. She’s contacted us off and on for a long time, but in April of this year, her texts began to show the pain she was experiencing. Her husband, Michael began having health problems and spent a lot of time in the hospital. He took many turns for the worse, and Susan would text or even call Kevin & Amy from the morning show for prayer.
Sadly, Michael passed away on July 1st. On that day, Susan texted to let us know and thank The House for our prayers and for being something special she and her husband shared. Just this past Sunday, Susan texted me twice during The House of Worship, updating me on how she’s doing, and then said,
“Just when I’m confused and stressed and upset, you gave me the encouragement from Psalm 23:3 that God would restore my soul. I needed that. I know it was God leading you to help me in Jesus’ name and I know it’s true.”
Just recently we learned Susan is blind. It made her efforts to text us and stay in touch even more meaningful.
So many need hope and to know God loves them and is with them. They need to be reminded they are NOT ALONE. I really believe that is one of the most important messages God gives His people through The House every day. Your ministry wants to reach more and more “Susan’s” and continue to be an important source of strength for families and individuals in their everyday lives.
As The House strives to grow and reach more people, we’re asking you to consider helping during our FALL FUNDRAISER. If you already support The House monthly would consider increasing your help. Could you add 10% to your current monthly support? If a large number of friends did this… it would mean thousands of dollars in extra gifts for the ministry! Or maybe you can make an additional “special gift” on top of your monthly support. This “bonus” would also be greatly appreciated and help impact more people. Whatever the case, your monthly gift is VITAL to The House and we can’t thank you enough.
I believe you’re a person who wants to make a difference. Let me show you how we can do it together.
- There are couples who need encouragement in their marriages and single moms and dads who struggle to be all their children need - You can reach out to them through The House and provide teaching programs centered around marriage and family help, plus daily affirmations from the music and DJs encouraging couples through their struggles.
- Some are listening from behind bars. There is nowhere darker than prison. The thought of going into prisons may scare you, but through The House, you help shine God’s light into the darkness, providing HOPE for people who have truly lost it.
- Nurses / EMTs and other first responders are doing such hard work every day and dealing with things many of us can’t imagine plus our Teachers who are so important in guiding our children - You support them through The House with the “breath of God” when they are needing to take a deep one.
- There are people dealing with loss and grief or even prolonged hospital stays or long illnesses that have trouble just making it through the day. There could be a mother who just lost a baby and is hurting - You may not know what to say or even recognize those struggling around you, but through The House, they are strengthened, encouraged and reminded that God is with them and will comfort them.
Look at all of these people YOU can help impact every day through The House!
Let’s be honest… It takes money to do ministry. It did even in Jesus’ day. (The disciples had a treasurer!) When people give it means more ministry… more lives changed and encouraged.
God bless you and please know how thankful The House is for YOU!