July 7, 2021 by DC
This past week, I got to help my son buy his first car. He didn't have a lot saved up, so we had a pretty tight budget to work with. Together we searched the local listings until we found something that felt right. He ended up buying a 2002 Ford Mustang convertible. It's not in perfect condition, but the radio and AC works, and the top still rolls down. As he drove away that first time, top down, wind in his hair, and a big smile on his face, I experienced a mixture of both pride and envy, If I'm being totally honest. I've always wanted a convertible, but that's never been practical for me. Fun, yes. But far from practical. I admitted to my wife I was living vicariously through my son at that moment. This got me thinking about living vicariously through Christ.
Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
So am I living vicariously through Christ, or is He living vicariously through me? Maybe a bit of both. This is what happens when someone is saved by placing their faith in Christ. In a very real sense, we become so closely attached to Him that we die with Him and He begins to live in us.
We talk about it all the time, being the "hands and feet of Jesus". When we serve, when we meet the needs of those around us, when we do anything in Jesus name, that's an outward sign of an inward change, and Christ living in us, and ministering through us. As the church, we co-labor with Christ in a mission to reconcile the world to God. God longs to use you to see His Kingdom come to earth. You have the honor of sharing the gospel, the good news of our creator, who wants to see relationship restored with Him.
Is there any other work in life that's more joyful than seeing God’s promises fulfilled through your own hands? It's incredible, isn't it? That God, that in all His power and wisdom, would choose to use you as His hands and feet! Your God loves you and empowers you for works that satisfy both the desires of your heart and the needs of others. Spend time with God today being fueled by His love. Follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He shows you where He's working and what He wants you to do to see His promises come to fruition through your life.