You want to make a difference. I absolutely believe that.
If you’ve been rescued by the Love of Jesus, then you want to share that Love with others. You’re a giver in that way… it’s just a part of who you are now. And a great way to share the love and the hope of Jesus, is through your support of The House FM. Now obviously, I’m making a pitch for your support, but hear me out, and see if you don’t get excited about being a part of what God is doing here at The House...
Andie left an abusive relationship and struggles with thoughts of God rejecting her “like my ex did”. But through church attendance and listening to The House FM, Andie’s beginning to learn to receive God’s love again. She says, “...many songs bring me to tears with reminders that God loves me, forgives me, and will NEVER, EVER leave me!”
Rebecca is 50 years old, and starting over again after, “COVID killed [her] career.” She’s back in school, learning a new career, and says, “The House is helping me through this very difficult time”.
Derek has dealt with the anxiety of family members fighting through COVID, and says that the message of a known God help him fight through the unknown of a rampant virus. After hearing, REASON by Unspoken, he tells us, “I felt God telling me, ‘I’ve got this.’”
People all around the world, from California to Iowa to New Hampshire, and even Scotland, The Netherlands, and The Philippines, are hearing the message of Hope and Love found only in Jesus. And all because of the support of families just like yours!
Our Fall Fundraiser is starting soon, BUT, if you make your gift RIGHT NOW, we’ll make sure that your name is entered into a drawing for a $500 Amazon Gift Card, AND a second one for a friend! Get details, and make your gift now at www.thehousefm.com/donate.