New Year New You?
January 25, 2021 by Tony Weir
You’re not alone.   You’re not the only one that had good intentions to start a new year in 2021 by making some “improvements”.  Especially maybe getting back on track after 2020!  But, like many others, myself included… the start of this new year has been tough and those good intentions haven’t happened or are starting to look like they won’t and you’re ready to give up.   Here’s a secret.   There’s nothing magical about January 1 when it comes to making plans to better your life.   You can start a new routine ANY DAY OF THE YEAR!   So… stop thinking about the fact that you still haven’t taken the first step towards something new or better this year.  It’s really no big deal.  You’ve got TODAY… or TOMORROW to start or start again.  And it’s just as good.   The House has challenged you to spend 30 minutes a day listening to one of our networks for positive music and encouragement or Praise & Worship to help you lift His name each day.  It’s never too late to start a challenge like this to see what a difference it makes to keep music like we share on The House playing throughout your day.  It makes the drive to work or school or even Wal-mart… BETTER.  It makes working at a desk all day… BETTER.  It makes getting things done around your house… BETTER.   Take this challenge and see what so many others have discovered.   A BETTER outlook… A BETTER attitude… A BETTER day.   And, hey, we’re with you on those other things you want to do better, too.  Reading your Bible more.  Getting a little more exercice (or a lot).  Eating better and smart.   The House is with you… remind you each day that GOD IS WITH YOU!   Be encourage that TODAY is a day to start making things BETTER.   God bless you.