OK, So Easter’s Gonna Be Different….
March 13, 2020 by Kevin Brooks
Easter Sunday will be here before we know it. And, unless things change drastically between now and then, Easter 2020 may be the most unique celebration of Jesus’ resurrection in our lifetime.
And ya know what? I’m ok with that... I have been reading on the simple ways that the early church gathered, took care of needs, and carried out its calling. I love getting together with my big church, and I love our pastor. But I also love getting together in small groups. There’s an intimacy and vulnerability there that just can’t exist in a larger setting. And because so many churches cancelled services this weekend, many households worshipped together as a family for maybe the first time in a long while.
Maybe it has taken a virus to get the Church’s attention, and remind us of our real calling in the world. It’s not about a building. It’s not about how many Sundays I attend without missing. It’s not about what songs I sing or whether our church worship band has a single on the radio. On Sunday, I sat in the living room with my wife and daughter and discussed the sermon we’d just heard. We hadn’t rushed around barely making it inside the church doors. (In fact, we weren’t all that presentable in our PJs and bed heads!) We had time to discuss, pray, sing… and it was refreshing.
Maybe we shouldn’t rush so quickly to get back to normal. Let’s enjoy this time of “upheaval” to re-evaluate our role as a mom, dad, son, daughter, and ministry leader, and see if it doesn’t help reset our ideas about church, family, and ministry.
Be open to what the Spirit is saying to you, and just take the next step. I am excited to see where He may be leading believers in this season.