December 7, 2022 by Logan Gassett
The Holiday season can be a tricky time for many families. Money can be stretched a little more
thin than normal and the to-do list is only growing longer as Christmas inches closer. With all of
the confusion, hurt, and fear swirling from elections and the upcoming changes mixed into life, it
can be a challenge to keep the eyes above the waves. Often, I find myself asking, “Shouldn’t
this be the most exciting and cheerful time of the year? Why do I feel like this?”
But, then the Lord sweeps in and gently reminds me of what I often forget.
Isaiah 9:6 says, “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will
rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal
Father, Prince of Peace”.
Everyday, believers have the opportunity to make the decision to give all their fears, doubts, and
concerns to God so he can carry those on His shoulders. Financial peace will not bring eternal
joy. Finances are not the Prince of Peace. God is the Prince of Peace and not only that, but our
counselor. We are already rich in His love, but we also must teach ourselves how to actively
walk that out. He knows me, Logan, on the most personal level possible and the same goes to
you. However, God may speak to you differently than he speaks to me because that is the
reality and beauty of having a relationship with God. Just like how earthly fathers speak to their
kids differently based on their personalities, God does the same. He knows you, He knows how
you communicate and think. I pray this is encouragement for many to take the time to give
everything that is weighing them down to God. Don’t worry about if can He hear you or not or if
you’ll be able to hear Him back. One of the best parts about being a child of God, is that He
knows you through and through which means He will communicate in a way that He knows you
will understand. God always shows up. However, I often forget to make sure that I am showing
up as well with my own presence.
The focus and celebration of this Christmas season for me, will be the unique and beautiful
relationship I have with God. I pray that this is an encouragement for others to relax, surrender,
and embrace the presence of God. Let Him be your Prince of Peace and hear what He has to
say for you. If you’re struggling to find something worth celebrating, celebrate this: you can stop
being stubborn by dragging your burdens. God already has His arms wide open for you, He is
waiting for you.