I’ve got to admit, every morning when I wake up, I’m a little nervous about seeing another notification about another story about what’s coming up this Fall. I think everyone has a sense that it will get bad. Awful things are going to be said. Families, friend groups, and workplaces are going to be divided. I keep holding on to the peace that’s found in Jesus and the confidence that He’s on the throne. He’s ultimately in control.
I’m so thankful that The House FM and The House of Praise are here to remain a source of peace through this time. No matter what happens going forward, you won’t hear all the uproar and shouting. We’re just out here pointing people to Jesus. He is the ultimate source of peace and hope, and we need to keep our eyes on Him more than ever.
So many need the daily encouragement found on The House. It can be life-changing! Here’s what Yusleidy shared with us:
“I grew up in church, but, like most of us, life takes a different route in each of our lives, and it definitely took one on mine. I had been apart from the lord for a few years when one day, changing stations, I heard a beautiful Christian song playing on The House, and I broke down in tears. I started going back to church. After that, The House has been my family's favorite station. Whenever I can, I give back to them. I am thankful to the Lord for how many lives The House touches daily like it did mine.”
It really is simple math here at The House. More funds = More MINISTRY! That’s what we’re all about, and I love that you can be part of the team!
The Fall Fundraiser is coming up August 28th - 30th. We’re praying for an incredible outpouring of blessings from God to help reach more people with the message of peace and hope, which so many need during these turbulent times. As the world spins crazier every day, you can be part of bringing calm and focus on Jesus to your community! You don’t have to wait to help. You can make a gift right now. Let’s all work together to spread love and make our communities a better place.
God bless you, and please pray for this significant fundraiser at The House.