It’s spring fundraiser time, and the need to share the hope, encouragement, and love of Jesus is as great as it’s ever been! High prices, political polarization, and the increasing violence in our cities all add to the stress and chaos of our world.
But listening to The House can help cut through the stress. Hearing great songs about the greatness of our God and His love for us can bring a hope that is desperately needed!
Just a few examples:
Kendra lost her husband in December. She has three beautiful young children, and, she says, the Lord has truly blessed her in many ways since becoming a widow. Kendra says The House FM was all she listened to on her way to and from the hospital during the last days of her husband’s life, and it gave her strength along that difficult journey… And that encouragement is still needed today.
Valerie from Jones, OK says, “the music of The House helps me in my darkest moments… It reaches me when I can’t hear above the noise of the world.”
An anonymous listener from OK is a farmer. He says the price of fertilizer has gone up so much over the last year that his family farm is struggling. His family supports the House FM, but reached out to say they just can’t give like he used to.
And that’s a story we hear time and again. To that farming family and everyone else who is struggling financially right now, we understand if you have had to cut back on your support. We’re praying for you, and we hope this music encourages you through this difficult time.
But if you are doing OK, and God has blessed you financially, you are needed to step into the gap, and keep this ministry going strong!
Please consider giving just a dollar a day; $30 a month or a single gift of $360. When you do, we’ll send you TWO of our cool, new House T-shirts. And as you support this ministry, your gift will trigger a donation to the Homeless Alliance that will feed one of our homeless friends and neighbors for an entire week!
What an amazing impact your DOLLAR A DAY gift can make right now.
To make your gift, call us at 800.324.8488 or, on your mobile device, go to thehousefm.com.