So, you had a bad day…
April 22, 2020 by Kevin Brooks
I had a tough day recently. Maybe you’ve had one too. Maybe you’re having one today…?
God wants us to bring our problems to Him. To ask for His strength when we’re weak. He promises us rest. Matthew 11:28 instructs us in this way, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
So because I felt like I might not be the only one having “one of those days,” I shared this prayer during the morning show…
Lord, this day started hard. It started with the realization that much of the comfort that I’ve grown used to is gone. And it’s probably not coming back anytime soon.
My normal support system, my friends, my church family… seem shut off to me. Even the little things that help when I need a break, like taking my wife out to a restaurant for a good meal, are not allowed.
My family needs me to be strong during this time… and I have been. Mostly. But today Lord, it’s beginning to seem like this time will never end, and my heart needs refreshing. My heart needs you.
So Lord, this morning, remind me that this time WILL pass. And that, regardless of my circumstances, YOU ARE GOD. Remind me that when I am weak, THAT’S when I am truly strong, because that’s when I finally admit it; that it’s your strength that carries me.
Father, show me that when the rest of it is all taken away, that THEN I can be honest and vulnerable and real with you. It’s at a time such as this, when all my pretense is stripped away, that I can finally admit that I am nothing without you Lord.
So today I confess, that you are my God, earnestly will I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my heart longs for you… Your love Father, is better than life, let my mouth be filled with your praise, let my life glorify you…