Summer Blockbuster Nights
July 10, 2024 by DC
Summer Blockbuster Nights: Sharing God's Love with Your Community
Hey friends! One of my favorite summer activities is setting up a video projector to play outdoor movies for the neighborhood kids. There's something magical about watching a movie under the stars, surrounded by friends and family. This got me thinking about how you can use these fun summer nights to share God's love with your community. Just as a great movie can inspire and lift your spirits, you can be a source of inspiration and encouragement to those around you. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus commands us to "Love your neighbor as yourself." Setting up a movie night is a great way to show love and build connections with your neighbors. Here are a few ways to make it special:
Invite Everyone: Open your heart and your yard to everyone. A simple invitation can make someone feel included and valued.
Provide Snacks: Jesus fed the 5,000 with loaves and fish. We can follow His example by providing popcorn, drinks, and snacks. It's a small gesture that goes a long way in showing hospitality.
Share a Message: Before the movie starts, take a moment to share a brief, encouraging message or a favorite Bible verse. It can be a wonderful way to plant seeds of faith.
Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Hosting a movie night not only brings joy to the kids but also refreshes our own spirits. So, even if it's not a movie, do something to bring the neighbors together. That could be an ice cream or snow cone social, a DIY splash pad for the kids, or a hotdog eating contest. Whatever you decide, send out the invites, roll out the blankets, and make some unforgettable summer memories while shining God's light in your neighborhood!