I remember my friends from school always came back to school the next year ---tan. We lived on a farm. So, my tan lines were drawn a bit differently. The thing I remember most about summer is the way my dad –who worked early and late everyday—would come home a bit early during those summer months. May dad is a bit of a bear of a man. I always think of him as the part of the movie “Coal Miners Daughter” recollecting the life of Loretta Lynn, when Loretta’s husband Doolittle grumbles and kind of growls at something she said---Loretta responds in her thick Kentucky accent, “Doo, you soun’ like an ol’ Bar (Bear) when you do that”. My dad sometimes could sound like an “ol’ Bar” too. Which is why when he read his Bible, and then would stop to share what he just read, really made an impact on me.
I just came across this devotional families can use as a resource. . . “Jesus Calling, 365 Devotions for Kids” I purchased ours on Amazon! Although it says “Boys Edition” I’m reading it with my girls and we haven’t come across anything yet that is boy specific—it would be great for Boys and Girls!
Here’s an example:
“You are so very busy. But I want you to stop for a minute. Put down the game, hang up the phone, turn off the computer. Spend some time with Me.
Even now your thoughts are racing ahead to today’s plans and problems. But put those thoughts and worries aside. Just think about Me and how much I love you. I know exactly what is going to happen in your life today. Don’t worry. I will give you everything you need to face your day.
Please don’t skimp on our time together. The computer and the telephone will still be there when our time is through. Choose me first— and the blessings I give you will not be taken away. Read on your own, Psalm 105:4; Luke 10:39-42 ”
We are cheering for you as you grow your kid’s faith at home!
Big Hug to you, Amy