Hi, I'm Tony Weir, CEO of The House. For years, I've listened to your testimonies about God using The House in your lives and hearing the right song at the right time. I want you to know how much I believe in God using The House in these great ways.
At the end of 2023, our family experienced a great tragedy. Late one night I got a call from my daughter telling me that her husband had died unexpectedly. My wife and I packed frantically and jumped in the car to travel from Oklahoma to Indianapolis to be with her and our young grandson as quickly as possible.
As we started driving, I plugged my phone into the car.
I knew I could listen to literally any song I wanted… or needed… through my phone. Some songs started to come to mind, but I decided… to listen to The House. I believe God uses the House to speak to people and I trusted He would do the same for me.
At that moment, my mind was racing with thoughts about what had happened. When tragedy strikes, we often say, “Why, God? Where are you, God?”
And then God answered me.
“He is right here where He's always been
He never left and He never will
Where is God?
God is with us”
“God is with Us” from The Afters became the right song at the right time.
I thanked God for being with me. I told Him I trusted He would continue to be with my family during this very hard time and see us through.
“We might never know the answers
We might never know the outcome
But we know Jesus
We know Jesus
Even when we face the darkness
We know better days are coming
Cause we know Jesus
We know Jesus”
I can’t imagine facing what our family has without knowing Jesus. And there are still so many people who need hope and need to get to know Him and experience His love and peace.
Today, I thank you... I thank those who have given to enable The House to have an app that can be heard… anywhere. Those who have made it possible for The House to be available in cars all over the country through Carplay and other apps. I thank those who gave to help the House to even exist… and provide... me... with the right song at the right time.
So how about you? Will you give so that someone, somewhere… like you, like me… can be able to hear the right song at the right time?