The Sea of Forgetfulness
August 7, 2024 by Tony Weir
My grandson Mako is four years old and he has the most amazing memory. He remembers everything I do and reminds me of those things all the time.
For example, we were going for a walk one night with our dog, Tala, and she saw a rabbit, took off, and took me with her. No, I did not fall down… but I almost went all the way down a hill with Tala. Now, every time we take a walk, Mako says, “Hey, Pop, remember when Tala dragged you down that hill?!?” Yes, every time. Then, even more recently, we were at Crest Foods, and I was picking up some sodas, and one of them fell on the ground and exploded everywhere. We had to call somebody to help clean it up. It was very embarrassing and now every time we go to Crest Foods, you guessed it, “Pop, do you remember when you dropped that soda and it exploded everywhere?!?” Mako remembers everything and loves to remind me.
I’m so glad that God doesn’t do this. I’m so glad that I don’t feel the constant reminding of all the things that I’ve done wrong and then made to feel bad about them. When I ask God to forgive me, He does, and He doesn’t remind me of it over and over. I’m so thankful for that. Yes, there are earthly consequences to our actions, but knowing that my Father throws my mistakes and sins into the sea of forgetfulness is so reassuring. And He does the same for you. No matter what it is… and it’s probably worse than being dragged by a dog and dropping a soda… God can and does forgive you.