I can't remember where I first heard this passage taught, but recently I got an email-devotional that once again pointed me to this moment in the ministry of Jesus.
It's found in Luke 18:35-43, (Mark 10:46-52, Matthew 20:29-33). This moment is covered in 3 of the Gospels so I think Jesus wants us to get this one way or another.
Jesus is walking through town and a blind man named Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was nearby.
He started shouting trying to get Jesus' attention. It worked. Jesus told Bartimaeus to come to him, and then said this to him, "What do you want me to do for you?"
Can it be that simple? Without hesitation, "I want to see!" came from the mouth of Bartimaeus.
What would come from my mouth if Jesus leaned into me and asked, "Corey, what do you want me to do for you?"
What would I say?
What would I ask for?
Is there something that tops the list of wants?
Is there something that would jet out of my mouth?
(John 16:23,24) Jesus is talking to his "inner circle" and says "You will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you name-dropped me, and get ready to receive, and get ready for abundant joy!"
Seriously, is it that simple?
What is my "ASK" from Jesus?
What is your "ASK" from Jesus?