YOU are God’s Idea!
March 17, 2021 by Kevin Brooks
You and I are God’s idea. No, we are! We are God’s original idea. I don’t know if you ever feel this way too, but I’m sometimes not happy with the way I look… or sound. Some days I’m not crazy about my personality, which can be awkward at times.
Still… I’m God’s idea. And if you look at the earth, the moon, and the stars, we’re amazed. From the most awe-inspiring mountain to the tiniest insect and even bacteria… God’s ideas speak to His infinite creativity. Our God can create, y’all!
And God had this idea that His creation needed... a Kevin. And an Amy. And you. And then he thought about his idea and began to add gifts, and talents, and that quirky personality that may be awkward at times. And when he finished, I like to think he rubbed his hands together in satisfaction, and said, “this is SO good!“ And then he brought us into the world at the exact perfect moment. In His timing, and for His purpose.
I don’t know if you’re questioning your worth today, or if that’s ever a temptation, but never forget that you and I are God’s idea! And His ideas are pretty amazing.