We would be so thankful to have your business, church or organization partner with us this year. These partnerships not only help bring people to Christ but will also have several benefits for your business as well!
Business Team Member - $75/month
For your gift of $60 per month or more, or a one-time gift of $720, you will receive:
- A listing on our Business Team Directory on our website
Visit our Business Team Directory
Outreach Partner for Businesses - $300/month
For your gift of $300 per month or more, or a single gift of $3,600, you will receive:
- Ten “thank you” announcements per month on The House network
- A listing on our Business Team Directory on our website
Mission Team Member - $500/month
With your gift of $500 a month or more, or a single gift of $6,000, you will receive:
- Special recognition on TheHouseFM.com
- Five days to sponsor on The House network
- If a business, fifteen “thank you” announcements per month recognizing you as a Mission Team Member on The House network
- If a business, a listing on our Business Team Directory on both of our websites
Special Partnerships Available -
Call us at 800-324-8488 for more information.
Our Mission:
To inspire faith; to connect Christians, families, and communities; to be the voice in the wilderness; and to authenticate the Kingdom.
Our Vision:
To persevere as an alternative source of music and entertainment, family-friendly and guilt-free.