I asked if you could please help and pray for myself and my family today. I’ve been a faithful listener and don’t know where I’d be without you guys. I’m coming to you in a desperate need of support please. Could you please pray and help me find my path that God is leading me on today because I might be evicted from my apartment today and I don’t have anywhere else to go I am 2 months behind on my rent because I’ve been on medical leave from work and not receiving any money and I’ve done my taxes and has promised in assured that I have money coming to me I’m just not sure when it’s coming and so now I face being homeless again without anywhere to turn to. It’s just my daughter and I and Kevin and Amy I know that you meet a lot of people but you eventually bit me and my daughter several times at some of the Christian concerts have come to and one of your people has actually reached out to me because they loved my personality and wanted to know if I wanted to volunteer with you guys when you’re in town and I’m very happy to do that but my daughter and I have been in struggle for the past year so far we lost our place to a fire it wasn’t even my place it was somebody that was letting us stay there and they didn’t have renters insurance or insurance on the place and so we’ve lost everything including our animals and we’re having to start over and if that wasn’t bad enough Red Cross put us up in a hotel and I had to leave my 12-year-old daughter at the hotel by herself when I would go to work somebody reported me that they didn’t think that was right and so DCF took my daughter from me because I didn’t have stable home and that just completely ripped my heart out because now I feel more alone than anything and that’s not true I know that God is with me right now but it’s just been so hard and I don’t know where to turn to and I have a hard time praying because I just I don’t understand I don’t know and I know that God is with me but it’s so hard when you’re in a time like this and facing instability once again but I need help please to know my path and what I should do I might be served with the eviction notice today so at this moment I’m not sure where I’m going to stay and then I only get one visit with my daughter a week for an hour I just feel like my world’s crashing down on me and I’m stuck out in the ocean searching for help and feel like I’ve been left alone please I am sorry that I have granted on if you could please pray for me and my daughter I would be grateful thank you so much for listening and please have a blessed day and stay safe.
Your sister in Christ,
That my Dr. will refill my medicine for my bronchitis and sore throught. I saw PA and that antibionic didn’t help. It has happened in the past and I was put on leviguin which does make me well.
Mark is having problems with upstet stomach bad
I’m requesting prayer for my three-year-old grandson, T. He was diagnosed in October 2023 with a genetic disorder, NF1, which is the gene that suppresses tumors. He has tumors on his optic nerves and in his brain. We have been so blessed that the MRIs since then have shown no change in the tumors. Unfortunately, his ophthalmologist appointment this morning did not go well. His optic nerve is showing changes. The doctor said to expect changes in the tumor with the next MRI, which is scheduled for April 9. If there are changes, he will most likely begin weekly chemotherapy. Please pray for healing for T. Please pray for strength, understanding and peace for his parents, C and S and his sister O.
Thank you,
I am asking for prayers right now, because the pain in my left jaw and ear, have been nonstop. I am going to see a Specialist tomorrow, to see what’s going on.
Struggling and feeling close to a breakdown- between wildfires close to my home, a friend losing his house and helping, finding out about identity theft to me in the past week, and potentially being laid off from a job where we work with infrastructure that poses a lethal risk to large populations in the state. I need prayer please.
Spiritual joy and healing from depression
Today, I lost my job. I worked there for 21 years. I feel like a failure. I’m alone and I’m just asking God for directions and guidance because I am lost without Him. I’m embarrassed to be 47 and jobless. My spouse divorced me March 2021 after 19 years of marriage and told me I would be a failure and now I’m hearing that echo in my head. Please pray for me. No matter what, I’ll always serve God.
My husband and I have been in the process to adopt domestically for over a year and a half. Please pray that we match and place in Spring 2025. We’re praying over the courageous birth mother that decides on adoption and over the health of the sweet baby.
Prayers that we can raise the money to bury our mom. Comfort for her loss.
We need assistance trying to bury her and help with the bills and finances. We lost the roof to the house the day before she passed.
Our friend G is disabled and lives in a Hud home, which lost funding. She is hoping to stay at her home God willing. Her disability has progressed and she can no longer drive and is on a 2 year wait list to have hand controls put in. She takes care of her sister and nephew, who have epilepsy.
Requesting prayer for God’s favor and blessings. Thank you and God bless you ❤️
Please pray for our disabled sister G in Christ and her family. She took in her sister and two children as two of them have epilepsy. Their home was a Hud home and it lost funding. They need God’s mercy and grace and blessing and favor in Jesus name.
My friend’s wife N has been dealing with breast cancer for a few years and is having a scan today, please pray for a clear scan. Also a friend of mine, R who is 80 years old is miserable with various aches and pains. Please pray for healing for N and R. Lastly a friend of mine’s son is 34 years old with Down syndrome and he has been fighting leukemia for about a year and a half. Please pray for his healing. Thank you and God Bless The House FM.
Healing for voice and throat acid indigestion nausea after eating from acid indigestion and God heals me in Jesus name amen thank you Jesus for healing me
I need strength not to give up. I’m fighting DHS for my children & every time I feel like I take a step, they add another step for me to do. I feel like I’m doing everything possible in the book that they’re asking but now I’m growing tired & frustrated & I just want to give up. Yall pray for me. This isn’t easy
Please, help me pray for my Mom who is a baptized Christian but has backslid in the last several years which in turn has caused our family to be cursed with the consequences of her bad decisions. It’s like being handcuffed to someone evil when your mother acts bad. But she taught us kids about Jesus & that’s why I still think she’s a good mom who has done her job in life since teaching your children the way to get eternal life is all that matters in this life. She’s worth it to me to pray for her.
New business hasn’t taken off like we have hoped for. Living by faith on what God is going to do from here. We are tapped out of funds and exhausted from working other business and building this new one.
Please pray that I get the job I interviewed for last week. Please pray HR can see past my history of alcoholism on my criminal background.