Me and my family grow closer to God. And they come to know Jesus.
Family issues and finances.
Please pray for our prodigal daughter, C. She was raised knowing Jesus but has turned away and is deceived. She is 30 years old. She asks me to pray for her then a bit later will call to curse me. We know that God hears and the Holy Spirit convicts! Pray that she turns back to Jesus! Thank you!
My Husband and I need to get our business and personal taxes all finished before April 15th
Our marriage has been on the rocks for years with lots of abuse or unhealthy conflict. My husband has court Monday and I’m concerned he’s not taking all this seriously and keeps blaming me. I need the strength to obey God, whatever that may look like and prayers for my husband to have a radical heart change with Jesus. Thank you!!
Pray for America
Please pray for healing and peace in our home.
Prayers for a family member who needs a job right away. Not able to pay bills. Family is helping but she needs to step up. Doing nothing, complains that no one understands and doesn’t care. Depressed, lonely and not in a good place.
Pray that we can get more time to find a place to move. Somewhere we can afford and the move be easy.
My grown son works full time. Has 3 teenage children: the oldest will be 20 this year and deals with ADHD and anxiety the middle child is a senior in high school and for yrs has dealt with seizures that started from nowhere endless appointments to the drs where we found out she also has migraine headaches and has ended up at the hospital a few times they were so bad they made her sick and got a shot to ease the pain but great news now… as of the end of December she no longer takes her seizure med. the youngest is a sophomore in high school and I also have a grown daughter that lives in a different state and married and has a child that’s 1 1/2. My prayer request for my son is to find peace within due to he’s been in such a very bad mood for sometime now ripping everyone’s head off as it goes specially going after the oldest and yesterday it was me bad for me I’m 62 and on SSDI and I been down in the back all week where it’s in a great deal of pain and I been taking 4-5 Motrins with Tylenol for the pain I see the dr next Wednesday and was just asking for prayers that my son get in a better mood soon and stop going after the rest of us. We all live in a cramped 1 bedroom house with to many dogs and cats and the sooner I find me a place the better
Healing from stomach bloating, constipation.
My 4 year old daughter is sick and it’s hurting her. And for mine and my wife marriage to work out
I want to pray special protection over C. I fear I’ve failed him, and truly I have, but I fear that my failure will affect his life greatly. Oh that the Lord would step in and protect C. I pray that C would continue the ministry that God has put him in, and that he would be blessed continuously for it.
Prayer request
I had a phone interview for a new job last week and now they want to meet me in person. I’m looking for prayers about this new job. Please pray for guidance and for the Lord to lead me where I’m supposed to go. Prayers that this is the right decision for me and my family. Thank you all
My coworker left work Saturday morning because she got a call that her son is in critical condition in the hospital. I have not had any updates and don’t know the specifics of the situation, but this morning God has called me to pray hard for the both of them, and I am reaching out to ask everyone to pray also. I don’t know what they need prayers for, or what the situation is now. But please pray.
I have been trusting Him and the wicked ones at work are winning. Christians don’t take up for other Christians just as Peter didn’t for Jesus. I had to quit my job so that I wouldn’t get fired and be bad on my job resume. Live from paycheck to paycheck and I have $6 to last till next Friday and that will be for gas. I believe in Jesus and trust though it is like devil is winning and I am not getting no where in being a blessing or a light to anyone. I am trying to get more knowledge of God and wisdom to make godly choice and to be godly, then get told I act like I am better than anyone. I am going to HR to try to get another job, I have payments I have to make gosh, Christians don’t take up for Christians that didn’t do anything wrong though but deny just as Peter did to Jesus. You know I feel like have to go through things by myself and I am trying to find other Christians and seems like I am not good enough. Being honest and having integrity seems like you’re not nothing and having morals and ethics. Why should I live if not being believed for telling the truth
I have job interview on Monday. I’m having a lot of anxiety about it because I’m not sure what God is doing in my life right now.
Please pray over my future marriage in Jesus name. That God will send me a godly husband, & that there will be no manipulation or deception from the enemy’s kingdom.
That every generational curses are canceled over my life
My daughter, H, her health, spiritually, mentally and physically, she wants to give up, she’s attempted suicide in the past, after a bad relationship and she’s spiraled downhill from that, she still speaks of “it” her 3 oldest children were placed with a guardian and they hate it there, grandparents don’t have rights in Oklahoma! Please pray for healing and miracles. This has been going on with her since 2012 and her kids since 2017 and thank you!!!!!
I am asking for physical healing for my daughter. She is having a procedure today that may indicate she should have a hysterectomy. She is young and desires to have children. Please pray for complete healing for her so that the test results find no trace of disease. Thank you so much.